Diva Noo's

The latest Noo's for the Diva Do's!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Diva Do's ..You Choose!

Hey! We are getting ready to do some fun, casual summer classes! If you have wanted to try out our class, this is a great way to stick your toe in the pool! I will be offering a few classes in basic sewing, basic creativity and recycling for fun! Comment here if you are interested, or contact Queen La Diva at the number on the right!

Classes: "Camp Stitchi Seami" sewing

"Hey! Can you do that?" creativity

"Dumpster Divas" recycling (with Field Trip to a Thrift Store!)

Come on & try us out! Fall classes start in August!

Queen La Diva

1 comment:

icandy... said...

I am definately a "dumpster Diva" and will be a loyal follower!! What a cool place!!!! :)